Full Service 24/7 Gym
and Wellness Center​
In Dec 2013, after nearly losing my father from a massive heart attack, I decided to make a lifestyle change to live healthier. Amy Brantner gave me the support, encouragement, motivation, skills, and mostly faith to pursue my lifestyle change goals. I have lost 29 lbs, 30 inches, and went from 29% body fat to 9% (for competition). My healthy living inspired me to become certified to teach classes at A Personal Fit, meet amazing people, and help them with their healthy living goals. In Oct 2014, with Amy's faith in me, I decided to train and compete in a figure competition. With Amy's expertise and coaching, in April 2015 I placed 5th in my first competition and shortly after, placed 7th in my second. I never would have thought I could ever accomplish such a goal! I am so thankful for APF, for giving me the tools to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle.